Cédrick De Pauw

Cédrick De Pauw was awarded the Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and the Master’s degree in Cybersecurity, from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

He is a PhD student from the « Embedded Systems Design and Security » department, under the supervision of Professor Jean-Michel Dricot, at the ULB and his current research topic concerns physically unclonable functions (PUFs), related protocols and their application.

WP1 – Rendre les systèmes résilients aux cyberattaques: phase de conception 

WP4 – La protection et le partage des données au cœur des préoccupations

WP6 – Factory 

GD01 – Automatisation de la vérification cybersécurité de systèmes cyber physique

GD05 – Configuration sécurisée d’infrastructure de communication IoT « by design »

CyberExcellence funding

Too Early