Romain Claessens
Trusted blockchain miners (2023)
Valentin Baillieux and Antoine Dumoulin
Data leaks and suspicious behavior detection in smart home using Taint Analysis (2022-2023)
Brandon Ngoran Ntam and Mathieu Cosyns
A social network around the elderly in home care scenario (2022-2023)
Stanislas Gorremans
The democratic smart home (2022-2023)
Colin Evrard and Julien Lienard
Anomaly detection at the edge: a federated learning approach (2021-2022)
Nicolas Gennart
Role-based access control for openHAB users (2021-2022)
François Genon and Sébastien Pierre
An Eclipse attack on content availability in IPFS : a large-scale decentralized storage service (2021-2022)
Note: thesis is under embargo until publication of the corresponding paper at NDSS 2024
Hugo Lloreda Sanchez and Sophie Tysebaert
AuditTrust: Blockchain-Based Audit Trail for Sharing Data in a Distributed Environment (2021-2022)

Alix Decrop
Leveraging Large Language Models to Automatically Infer RESTful API Specifications (2022 – 2023)
Alix Decrop
Training machine learning models for vulnerability prediction and injection using datasets of vulnerability-inducing commits (2022 – 2023)

Florian Dekinder
Deep Performance Analysis of Dual Stack Web Servers (2023-2024)
Ilias Sebati
Observability and Visibility in Cloud Platforms (2022-2023)
Elric Thielens
LISP and Privacy (2022-2023)
Manon Lambotte
FoodChain Security (2022-2023)
Tom Piron
Implementation and Evaluation of LISP Publish/Subscribe Functionality in NS3 (2021-2022)
Guilian Deflandre
Create a Honeypot Based Solution Using Non-Traditional Honeypot Technologies and Monitor its Behaviour in Production Using Cisco AMP for Endpoint (2021-2022)
Raphaël Léas
Analysis of IPv6 Extension Header Processing/Transmission over the Wide Internet (2021-2022)
Maxence Calixte
Digitizing the Food Chain Traceability (2021-2022)
Anne Bertin
Intelligent Load Balancing with IOAM and SRv (2021-2022)