Jean-Marie Jacquet

Jean-Marie Jacquet is professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at
the University of Namur. Since the beginning of his career, he has
specialised in artificial intelligence and concurrent programming.

In his doctoral thesis, he has proposed a concurrent logic programming
language, called Conclog, as well as a programming methodology for
programming with this language and more generally for programming with
concurrent logic languages. This line of research has evolved towards
so-called coordination models and languages, for which he has designed
new languages, studied different semantics and proposed programming

Recently he has undertaken research in security,
particularly in the study of process algebras to analyze security

WP1 – « rendre les systèmes résilients aux cyberattaques: phase de conception »

GD4 – « Cyber-sécurisation by design de systèmes cyber-physiques »

External funding

  • Jean-Marie Jacquet, Manel Barkallah. Anemone: A Workbench for the Multi-Bach Coordination Language, Science of Computer Programming,
    vol. 202, 2021
  • Denis Darquennes, Jean-Marie Jacquet, Isabelle Linden. On the Expressiveness of Multiplicities in Data-based Coordination Languages, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, vol. 112, 2020
  • Jean-Marie Jacquet, Mieke Massink (eds). Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10319, Springer 2017
  • Jean-Marie Jacquet, Isabelle Linden, Mihail-Octavian Staicu. Blackboard rules: from a Declarative Reading to its Application for Coordinating Context-aware Applications in Mobile ad hoc Networks, Science of Computer Programming, vol. 115-116, pp. 79-99, 2016
  • Antonio Brogi, Jean-Marie Jacquet. On the Expressiveness of Coordination via Shared Dataspaces, Science of Computer Programming, vol. 46, pp. 71-98, 2003
  • Jean-Marie Jacquet. Conclog: A Methodological Approach to Concurrent Logic Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 556, Springer 1991