Philippe Massonnet

Philippe Massonet is scientific coordinator at CETIC. His research interest cover the areas of software, service and security engineering, as well as distributed systems such as Grids and service oriented infrastructures. He was recently coordinator of the GridTrust IST European project (Strep) dealing with trust and security in next generation grids, and is responsible for dissemination and security in the RESERVOIR IST European project (Integrated project) led by IBM research. He is currently the coordinator of the PONTE eHealth project that is looking into using semantic web technologies to build decision support systems for the design clinical trials. He is active in the NESSI ETP working groups, and the ERCIM working groups. At CETIC he also works as a consultant for industry and government in his areas of research. He has experience in the prototyping and commercial development of advanced requirements engineering tools.

In charge of the challenges

Leader GD01: Automatisation de la vérification cybersécurité de systèmes cyber physique