Christophe Crochet got his BSc and his MSC in Computer Sciences with specialisation in « Software engineering and programming systems », « Security and computer networks » and « Artificial Intelligence: big data, optimization and algorithms » at UCLouvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. He is now pursuing a PhD degree under the supervision of Axel Legay at UCLouvain. His research topic is about developing a toolchain using Symbolic Execution and Machine Learning to detect and classify malware in order to stop their propagation thus joining the project started by Charles-Henry Bertrand Van Ouytsel. His research interests lie in Malware Packing and Analysis, Software Engineering and Quality.
WP1 – Rendre les systèmes résilients aux cyberattaques: phase de conception
GD01 – Automatisation de la vérification cybersécurité de systèmes cyber physique
GD03 – Cyber-sécurisation « by design » de systèmes cyber-physiques
CyberExcellence funding
Malware analysis tool:
Formal Specification of QUIC: