Thi Van Thao Doan

Thi Van Thao Doan received her Master diploma in 2022 on Cryptography and Information Security at University of Limoges, France. So far, she is doing PhD on verifiable privacy-preserving computation at Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium. Her research interests span the areas of applied mathematics, cryptography, and information security.

WP1 – Rendre les systèmes résilients aux cyberattaques: phase de conception

GD05 – Configuration sécurisée d’infrastructure de communication IoT « by design »

CyberExcellence funding

Doan, Thi Van Thao & Messai, Mohamed-Lamine & Gavin, Gérald & Darmont, Jérôme. (2023). A survey on implementations of homomorphic encryption schemes. The Journal of Supercomputing. 1-42. 10.1007/s11227-023-05233-z.